Styling for Sale/Rental/Holiday Letting/Refresh/Personalise Your Space
This service can help maximize your sale or income potential on your current property. Are you wishing to set up a holiday/rental property or simply refresh your current space. Have you just moved into a new home/apartment/office and need to bring in your own personality & style.
ALCHEMY interior design can provide packages to suit your needs
Pricing $220.00 per hour after initial consult/or tailored to your project
Initial Consult 1.5 hours (price on application) includes:
Client Brief
Design concept
Initial Colour scheme/products/fixtures & fittings for client approval
Packages - to be priced per room
Service includes:
Décor, Artwork & Greenery
Wallpaper & wall cladding
Soft furnishing’s - cushion, throws, linen, window furnishings
Furniture pieces/packages
Small Appliance selection/packages
Kitchen, bathroom, laundry accessories (if for rental)